Monday 18 September 2017

What is the point of living?

Birth and death are not invented by human himself and they happen regardless of anything. It is beyond our reach to know what is the exact reason behind our birth. Each religion may give its own reason but proving it is highly impossible. So let's not worry about our birth and death but only worry about what we need to do during the period between them i.e. Life.
Except for a few people like you and me who keep reevaluating what we do, rest all are carried away by their emotions and don't even think about what they are doing. There is only one reason why they don't think so -  they are busy in moving their goalpost and keep struggling to reach that goal. These goals can be a new car, new furniture, new appliances, new house, new gold ornaments and new assets etc. Only people who are satisfied with what they have (material things) can only think about their life more seriously. They are busy in the pursuit of knowledge, satisfaction and happiness. I think you are one among them and that's why you are looking for this answer.
To answer your question, we all live to make each other's lives better. Almost all the things we are using today are all inventions/discoveries by the humankind and they all made our lives a lot easier and enabled us to know/do more and more.
Each of us are also working for something that will make human lives better. If you go a level deeper, the company which you are working for is delivering some products or services which will ultimately make everyone's life easier. So you are also part of this revolution. People generally think we work for money. Of course you get money but you still try for something more. That means money doesn't give what you wanted. It will just be a means to purchase other products/services that will make your life easier. You still crave for something more.
So you want satisfaction. Satisfaction comes when we look at what we are doing as something that addresses the problems of the world today. The only way to get satisfied is by bringing smiles on other faces and by reducing hardship for others.

So the purpose of your life is to do something that changes lives in a positive way. You are already doing it. It's just that you need to start appreciating it. Or if you are not doing it try to do it by choosing a field and working in that relentlessly until you see a positive impact of your work. Writing an inspirational book, shooting a documentary on social evils or recording your own album to entertain others can be some. Only thing is that you need to keep checking how much it is impacting others’ lives. Then only you will be satisfied and you will find the purpose of your life. All the best.


  1. Great thoughts and Great piece of writing.

  2. deepika ramanjan9/24/2017 9:44 am

    If you are able to bring happiness in other people's life and you get happiness out of it,go ahead!!Long way to go!!!!!People will never be completely satisfied though!:)
