Monday 25 February 2013

Manoj: Synonym for Laziness

It is my habit to open my blog now and then, redesign it, add some color to it, feel happy and then close it. I have never written a single line in it. And today, just came from Bangalore and came to office almost immediately getting down the train. Frenzied, I opened my good old blog once and found my lost charm on my blogger pic. Also found that the status as 'On blogger since February 2011'. OMGGGGG!!! It was exactly 2 years back when I enthusiastically created an account on blogger but left it after adding some details to it. I have been simply procrastinating to blog for 2 long years and here shows the height of my laziness.

I was being called ‘Lazy Manoj’ by some of my B.Tech friends but never understood that they were belittling my laziness by simply calling ‘Lazy’. Even the word ‘Lazy’ feels shameful of being tagged to my nameL. It’s not one day, one activity but I carried that tag throughout my life. I didn’t learn a lesson when I first missed the train just because of my laziness and missed the same train to Bangalore again 10 days back. Still, I am not confident that I learnt a lesson. When it comes to minor incidents, there are many days when I missed 1st half an hour of my favorite movies, didn’t wash clothes for weeks and sometimes my unshaven beard symbolized the amount of my laziness. I am not in those people who feel offended by the quote, “Laziness never arrived at the attainment of a good wish” but in those people who feel elated by Bill Gates’ words, “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” :P

I may bore you by telling my lazy story even lazily but I am hoping that your scathing comments (after reading it) will surely bring some change in me. As my friends, it is your responsibility and right to slap on my face and counsel, “Idiot! This is not the right attitude with which you can achieve something. See me and learn” (#LOL only if you achieved anything).

P.S: Persons will be awarded accordingly if they manage to bring any change in my attitude.


  1. Archana Raju2/26/2013 4:23 pm

    Idiot! This is not the right attitude with which you can achieve something. See ME and LEARN!! :-P :-P

  2. I empathize with you and we belong to the same league .
    I wish you could spend some of your laziness in words and put it here [ and entertain us] !

  3. Good one manoj, I just want u to know that there are lazier people than you who started a blog same way as u did but didn't post even once!!! (i just saw i too started a blog in feb 2yrs back) :P

    1. haha..I knw it's d case wid many ppl..thnx for reading it..

  4. “Idiot! This is not the right attitude with which you can achieve something. See Teja and learn” :p :p
